Should you consider a Social Media Manager?

Keeping on top of regular social media posts can be challenging. In this post, I'm going to let you know my thoughts on a social media manager and when you should be considering one.

The first thing you should think about if you are already considering a social media manager is what you need help with right now. Where is your business on social? Do you need someone to manage all the pages, marketing, inbound messages and emails, or do you just need someone to design some content for your Instagram? By thinking about this and defining what you need - you'll be able to find the right social media manager. Not all social media managers are made equal and some have different areas they specialise in. At Ember, we see the best results when working with a b2c business as we are most comfortable on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. If your business is b2b - the best bet at reaching your target audience is using a more professional platform like LinkedIn. Decide on your goals and what you need help with before looking for a social media manager.

Next up you want to consider before looking for a social media manager is your budget. Prices vary depending on experience and the amount of time your social media manager will spend on your business. It doesn't take long to post a photo related to your business; a lot of time, however, is spent researching your audience on social. What kind of content do they engage with more? Which of your previous posts have performed better and why? Regardless of your budget, you WILL be able to find a social media manager, but the old saying goes. You get what you pay for.

Would your business benefit from a social media manager? This is a difficult question. There aren't many brands that wouldn't but ask yourself these questions.

Will I be able to put the time I spend creating content for my business to better use?

Are similar businesses seeing better results on their social pages?

When I don't post, do I notice a difference in engagement and potential leads?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you would benefit from a social media manager.

In a September 2020 study, 51% of participants stated that their purchasing decisions were influenced by social media, and 29% of individuals were influenced by social media in that they would purchase an item the same day they use social media.

By having a social media manager, you are freeing yourself up for more important tasks operationally. Putting an expert in the driving seat of your social pages is the first step towards thriving online in 2022.


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